Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friends, Food, and FInals

Finals are a funny thing because they symbolize the beginning of the end. The semester is coming to an end and due to the stacks of class evaluations and reflections it usually sparks a chain of reflection among other parts of my life. The last week has been precious because I have had the chance to sit down with two women that I am close to and really evaluate the last semester, where I am with God, dorm ministry and growth group, as well as strengths and weaknesses in myself.

One thing that I have been learning the last few months is the importance of friends in your life. Now I don't mean friends that you sit to and talk with during classes, but true friendships. People that you can be real and honest with. People that you are not afraid to go to with your deep secrets. People that you are not afraid to ask to keep you accountable. These are precious and delicate, they need to be nurtured and cared for, loved and adored. Friendships like this are rare, and as my parents have said they are few and far between.

Food for thought... this semester my growth group discussed this very topic. Going to God and confessing your sins to him produces forgiveness. This is not really a new topic, it is discussed at almost every church service. The radical idea stems from a passage at the end of James. James 5:16 says "Therefore confess your sins to each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." You see, forgiveness comes from God, but healing comes from being open, real, and vulnerable with the people closest to you.

So I am going to challenge you to take a step of faith. Take a break from finals, grab your friends, grab some food and dive into a meaningful conversation. One that is going to mean something, one that will impact you in some way. Friends don't be afraid to be honest with your advice, don't be mean, but make the most of the time you have with each other. Also remember that sometimes advice is not necessary, being available just to listen is often the greatest gift you can give a friend. It's not going to be easy, but trust me in the end it will be worth it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good evening! Well it is nice to be both back here in Pullman, and back online. Let me recap for you what the last few days have been. Nothing. That's it in a nutshell. I have been laying in bed for the last 3 days, because the thought of moving was unbearable. I was sick with what I can only imagine was a virus that failed on the "sneak attack" approach. Let me flesh this out for you, and see if you find this whole scenario as amusing as I did.

So going back about 3 weeks ago I was driving in a car with 4 other girls, on our way to northern Idaho for CRU's fall retreat. The irony in this statement is that I am not a camper, my version of camping is one where we stay in a hotel with a hot tub. But never-the-less I was on my way to a camping filled weekend. In my spacious Jetta were 2 girls that were sick. Yes, we have started this trip well! When we settled into our cabin I noticed that there was one other girl that was sick as well! Great!

~Complete side note the rest of the trip was amazing. We learned that the great Jetta not only can road drive, but off road, go muddin' and swim! I also learned new cool country swing dance moves. As well as having a great time spending time with God and the amazing people that have been in my life over the last year.

After arriving home from retreat I quickly realized that my roommate had been attacked by this foreseen virus. Watching her be sick was awful because I could just sit and take notes of what was going to happen. [Mental reminder I have the worst immune system that will catch anything, and I live in a dorm...] 5 days. That was the length of time it took my roommate to recover and as she was beginning to feel better I began to praise because I was still feeling well! Went to class the next day and I was struck by the worst of the worst. Sitting paying attention to the lecture like any good student and then it happened. The girl to my left coughed on me... That was 3 days ago.

So I guess I got the short end of the stick since I am feeling better now, but I still think that the virus was not going to let me get away and its evil little being was going to attack in any means possible! If you are going to take anything away from this let it be that virus' are sketchy thing and are not to be trusted!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Do Not Know How Guys Do It

So, my awkward moment of last week contained a lunch, a professor, a clearing illness, and me asking for my first "date". Before we jump into this amazing story I want to back up and fill you in. I am applying to be a resident assistant next year. Basically I make sure the residence halls are safe and that the rules are being followed, while developing relationships and building a community on a floor. So for this position I have to take a class, and in this class we have a project that requires us to dine with a professor. We can go to any meal at any dining center, and the point is to well be entertaining to our teachers, and to get the other professors comfortable with the residence life program. Hopefully then they will opt to do study sessions and such in the residence halls.

So to the story at hand. I had decided that I wanted to ask my chemistry professor to lunch, because she seamed like a very cool person that I would be able to talk to easily. So after class I wandered to the front of my huge lecture hall and waited to speak with her. When it was my turn, well I began to get very nervous. The floor seamed to fall away. My legs began to turn to stacks of weak red jello, and I'm pretty sure that I developed a studder. Wait! I am the person who can get up in front of large groups of people and talk about anything! It doesn't matter how awkward the topic, I don't get nervous. So why did I feel like I was going to wet myself??

Well after I was able to fumble my way through asking her to lunch... she looked at me. Probably thinking, "Who is this crazy girl, and why would I want to further our conversation over lunch?" However, to my surprise, and probably yours as well, she said yes!

On to the actual meal. It went better than expected. Conversation was good, food was awful but it was the dining center. Everything went really well and there was nothing that should have made me nervous!

So now I sit here and I need to write a thank you letter. I have no idea what to say! It's almost like I am that little 8 year old kid writing a note to his crush! I feel like I am going to say something wrong and she will never talk to me again! So this is the million dollar question. I have never asked a guy out on a date because that was never my style. So guys how do you ask a girl out on a date and keep your cool while doing it?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Impact

I have been sick for a few days and while I have been secluded inside these four small walls I call home, I have found myself thinking. I know scary! I have been thinking about who I am and what I am doing in my life... do I make a difference, am I helping others? Would anyone notice if I was gone?

I also find myself asking and looking to see that I am not alone, in life, in faith, and in situation. We all have been told that as a people we cannot survive without other human interaction. Having people around you can impact every aspect of your life. But don't we all also look for confirmation that our situation is not unique? You hear it all the time in the words, "How do you know? Have you experienced this?" With a simple, "Yes" everything about our attitude changes. We want, need and crave to be close on a deep, personal and intimate level.

So what does this mean for me? I have always said that I dare to be different because being normal is boring. But I will be the first to say that I am relieved when I hear people say, "Oh that happened to me too!" So does this mean that deep down I dare to be normal? If that is true can I really say that I am making an impact, that my life means something?

I propose that the answer is no. That within the realm of my possibilities I am not making a difference and that I will not leave an impact on this planet. I am only human and I can only aspire to be normal. However, I also propose that with God on my side guiding me through my time on this planet, I will achieve greatness. Through God I will change lives, and I will make an impact greater than I will ever fathom. But only due to the fact that God is anything but normal, He is radical, and He is on my side.

My life is His and He may shape me as He wishes.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Interesting Encounters

Isn't it funny the things that you experience when hanging out with people that are older than you? Today I traveled to the coast to spend some time with my grandmother and her friends and all I can say is that life is much less stressful when you have the ability to laugh at yourself.

Tonight we decided that it would be a good idea to make a trip to Fred Meyer; and well, if I thought I was awkward... my grandma completely blows me out of the water. She decided that she wanted to get one of those carts that you drive around with the shopping basket. Yes, i believe that she was the lucky winner of the TURBO charged version. This woman, bless her heart, is the one that has enough problems parking in her garage, let alone navigating the aisles of a grocery store!

Well after almost running me over as we entered the electronics department, yes I did say electronics, we found the poor worker who was willing to help us find what we needed. He went to walk over to this aisle and had to run past grandma as she was fumbling around with the controls to make the cart work. He handed us the modem and was able to escape unscathed! Grandma then decided that the was going to take a drive around the aisle since backing was not he strong suit. She zipped up this aisle whipping around the corner and knocking right into a stack of printers in the process. Don't worry Grandma I was there to catch them!

After flying past the printers she zoomed up to the register crashing into the counter... and well cutting off the customer in front of her, who was already checking out, from the card reader that he needed. So while this poor gentleman is leaning over the basket to run the card, Jan and I are telling Grandma that she needed to back-up. So she does....hitting the man in the process. That doesn't work so she moves back to the counter trapping the poor man in closer than before. After finalizing his purchase the man then has to tip-toe out past the cart and Grandma practically running for his life, never once looking to see who this crazy driver really is!

Now you might think that this story ends here but that isn't true. After buying the modem, she then finds this huge stuffed blue bunny that she has to buy, the only thing is she can't really remember where it was. So as we are all hanging out Grandma is zooming the aisles, back and forth, as we just watch. After finding the bunny she is ready... to check out ... again. This time she pulls in behind a woman and her son. The child had some sort of sense, because as I looked ahead all I saw was this little boy pushing past his mother as fast as he could to flee from the crazy driver.

So in the end what did I learn?
-Always be comfortable laughing at yourself and the situations that you are put in front of you.
-I know where women get their bad driving reputations.
-Awkward situations run in my family!

Monday, March 8, 2010

What a Weekend

I had the most unbelievable weekend in a long time. I was able to ditch the books and focus on having a good time and getting to know people. So without dragging this introduction on any longer let me tell you about what happened.

First, Friday I gave up my normal routine of taking care of horses and decided to attend a freshman party that was hosted by CRU, or Campus Crusade for Christ. This was so much fun, as I was able to meet other people that believed the same things that I did, while playing games, and most of all learning to country swing dance! This was an art form that I am deeply regretting not seeing before. After that we all went back and watched a movie!

Saturday I hung out till around 8 when I had to go put on a Hall program in an all guys hall on campus. My idea for said program, since I am SO incredibly mature... "Release Your Inner Child". We finger painted with, yes, pudding! Ate fish sticks, and played a cut throat game of Chubby Bunny! Very, very good night.

Sunday topped all others however. I had to, for a class, spend an entire day at the Challenge Course/ High Ropes Course. This was an extreme highlight because not only did I get to meet a lot of new friends. But I was able to stare one of me fears in the face and scream, "BACK OFF!" =). I had SO much fun.... however I think it is important to mention that EVERY muscle in my body is now hurting! lol

So, why is all of this important? It is important because without people around you, to share life, make memories, and be your support you have nothing. The most important thing that we have is each other, and it is important to be there for others. To encourage, motivate, and mentor. I believe that we all need people that we can trust to be real, and honest with us. To give us the truth, even when we don't want to hear it. Remember, we weren't meant to live alone. So I challenge you to meet someone new, make a new friend, and make a difference in someones life.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Day

Wow... what a day! But before I go there I need to back-up a few weeks to New Years. You know how it is right? Every year we make a New Year's Resolution ... and without a doubt about mid-January that resolution is swept under the rug, edited, forgotten, or kicked out the door...literally! Well not this year! My resolution has been to become more of a morning person, without becoming more of a coffee person!

So let's fast forward to today, this morning actually. This morning I had the great opportunity to not sleep in, as much as I dearly wanted to, but to get up at 7:30, get ready and volunteer for the Whitman County Animal Shelter who was moving locations. Now this morning was not one of those Pullman mornings that I have come to know and love, where the sun is shinning, welcoming the golden hills into existence... No this morning was cold, dull, grey, and ...raining. This was not my idea of the perfect morning mood! But none the less I did get ready, and make my way down to the shelter.

As I approached the shelter with Jamie my wonderful accomplice who helped to keep me motivated through the rain, (that wasn't really rain it was that drizzle that is barely enough to get you wet but just enough to be annoying) the mud, and the cold that was slowly sinking in. Once we got settled in we found ourselves moving equipment, toys, bowls, food, etc. into nearby trucks. When we were sought out... we were the lucky winners that got to clean the transport kennels, and the litter boxes... yes ...I said it ....the litter boxes.

But you know what I came to realize as we were shuffled into the back kennel to scrub away? I found that no matter how unglamorous a job, it still needs to be done. This was a job that had to be completed and I was not going to let the team down. But I think the best part of this job was that in this back kennel was 2 small puppies. Probably black lab puppies, who were probably the cutest things on the planet!

Now as I found myself looking down at these two puppies all I could think was, "This is for them, to make their lives better." These animals didn't choose to be here, they didn't do anything wrong. What I later found out was that these 2 puppies were apart of a 4 puppy litter that had been dropped off. All four are not social and that explained why they wouldn't walk up to the front of the kennel. The woman began to explain that because they are not social they are not adoptable and that's why they need volunteers.

After about a 45 minute wash session, walking back and forth in front of this kennel I watched something that was not expected. I had knelt down and just talked to the two of them and I watched as one got up and walked to me. There it was... Hope... hope that there was a future, that this was not the end of their journey, that this was not going to be their home but just someplace they were passing through. It was at that moment that I didn't care anymore. I didn't care that it was barely 40 degrees outside and I was soaked, I didn't care that my hair was a mess, and that my make-up was gone. It wasn't about me... this was never about me.

My day was one that involved soul searching, and re-assessing my values. But one thing that I will never forget is that we have to believe that nothing is set in stone, there is always something better. We have to believe that we can make a difference.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Im Coming Back!!

I know, I know it has been a month... but better late than never right? Well lets recap the interesting things that have gone on in the last month...

First, Christmas Break. This was AMAZING as i was able to let my hair down and relax. However let me teach you a lesson... never and I mean NEVER tell someone that you can wait to use the bathroom until you get home, everytime bad things happen. I totally did that, and well we (my mom and I) were almost killed by a drunk driver... Twice! Long story short the drunk hit the poor car in front of us and then tried to run before he drove into a ditch and was tazed. Go po-po! But I do have to say, Mr. Policeman next time you are chasing a car, don't follow as close... we can't afford to have you flipping patrol cars into ditches as you follow the drunk driver off the side of the road anymore. mmk? =) In the end we had to wait a good hour before the police could get to us to take our statements, needless to say I really had to go once we got home! This was not the only driving inccident that occured druing break... Over the three weeks that I was home I was almost killed by a drunk driver, was with my aunt as she drove the wrong way down a one way street, and was with my mom as she drove on the wrong side of the barrier after she turned too wide... I think that I might be bad luck...?

Now fast forward to coming back to school. May I add that I was SO excited to come back to the golden hills of Pullman being covered in a beautiful blanket of white snow. But with my luck... there is no snow... none... not even a speck! But yes in pullman i do reside. However, I am begining to think that no snow is probably good... because well less chances for me to fall. I have been doing SO well! Haven't fallen once! *knocking on wood* I have moved rooms and now I have a question for you.... the first day of school and you go open the mailbox and what do you see?? But a letter for the roommate that you dont have? What? I know, so then what do you do? Yea I had no idea either. But I was a good roommate and even though I could have really used the extra space, closets and shelves I contained myself for a few more hours. And good thing because SHE HAS ARRIVED! She is a very nice international student from China that is very quite, which is something that I am not used to. All of my friends back home are very outspoken and my last roommate is the same way... but she is definatly not. So this should be interesting.