Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Do Not Know How Guys Do It

So, my awkward moment of last week contained a lunch, a professor, a clearing illness, and me asking for my first "date". Before we jump into this amazing story I want to back up and fill you in. I am applying to be a resident assistant next year. Basically I make sure the residence halls are safe and that the rules are being followed, while developing relationships and building a community on a floor. So for this position I have to take a class, and in this class we have a project that requires us to dine with a professor. We can go to any meal at any dining center, and the point is to well be entertaining to our teachers, and to get the other professors comfortable with the residence life program. Hopefully then they will opt to do study sessions and such in the residence halls.

So to the story at hand. I had decided that I wanted to ask my chemistry professor to lunch, because she seamed like a very cool person that I would be able to talk to easily. So after class I wandered to the front of my huge lecture hall and waited to speak with her. When it was my turn, well I began to get very nervous. The floor seamed to fall away. My legs began to turn to stacks of weak red jello, and I'm pretty sure that I developed a studder. Wait! I am the person who can get up in front of large groups of people and talk about anything! It doesn't matter how awkward the topic, I don't get nervous. So why did I feel like I was going to wet myself??

Well after I was able to fumble my way through asking her to lunch... she looked at me. Probably thinking, "Who is this crazy girl, and why would I want to further our conversation over lunch?" However, to my surprise, and probably yours as well, she said yes!

On to the actual meal. It went better than expected. Conversation was good, food was awful but it was the dining center. Everything went really well and there was nothing that should have made me nervous!

So now I sit here and I need to write a thank you letter. I have no idea what to say! It's almost like I am that little 8 year old kid writing a note to his crush! I feel like I am going to say something wrong and she will never talk to me again! So this is the million dollar question. I have never asked a guy out on a date because that was never my style. So guys how do you ask a girl out on a date and keep your cool while doing it?

1 comment:

  1. How do we ask a girl out?
    You keep in mind why you are asking, and try not to stumble over your words.

    How do we keep our cool?
    Never had it never will, so keeping it was never an option. In short, look straight ahead and try not to wet yourself.
    I love you,
