Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am the person that loves the New Year. It is the conclusion of the holidays, as well as a year full of ups and downs. The New Year, for me, symbolizes a new beginning, a fresh start. So naturally being the New Years lover that I am I have made some resolutions and one is to be more intentional with my time.

When you look at the average human life, 78 years, you really do not have that much time on this planet. Time is continuous, never pausing, never stopping, and always changing. So why do I find myself living for tomorrow? Tomorrow is never guaranteed and all we have is this moment, this instance. So I ask you this, if you were to die right now would you consider your life complete? What impact did you leave? Are you proud of the movements you are leaving behind?

These are all very profound questions and the only advice I can give toward the answer is this... What are you spending your time on?

To me it doesn't matter how much money I will make, the house I live in, or in fact where that house is. What matters to me is the lives that I have touched. Have I made a difference, have I helped to prepare those that will come after me? People are what matter and that is what I choose to invest my time and love into.

There is one blog that I read regularly and this morning I read something that has changed my perspective on relationships and people here is a few excerpts,
"Love is not a choice in life. Love is not something you can put on your priority list in life; for love is life...Could this be our problem? That we try to make Love #1 on our list when love is meant to be the list? Love is Oxygen. Choose to breathe." -Gordon Avery
I am choosing to lower my walls just a little and let people in, I am choosing to love and be intentional with my time. Will you?

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